Hot Topics May 2014

19 May 2014
photo of Kathryn and cabbages and kingsThe meeting was presented by Vice Presidents Joanna and Fiona who welcomed 77 members, 3 new members and 10 guests. Our speaker was Kathryn Austin who demonstrated some fantastic flower arrangements on the themes of sugar and spice, oranges and lemons, cabbages and kings and apples and pears. Kathryn then drew raffle tickets so that members could take home one of her beautiful arrangements.

  • We asked for ideas for the Surrey federation “Tweak a Twenty” – we had some good suggestions including buying a bottle of champagne and selling raffle tickets and buying ingredients to make flapjack to sell. If you have any more ideas please email us and we will try to make a decision at the next committee meeting.
  • We asked if anyone is interested in Siobhain McDonagh tour of Houses of Parliament – a show of hands was almost unanimous, so watch this space for details! We will have sign up sheets at the next meeting.
  • We also asked if anyone was interested in a Saturday event in August at the hall – again the response was positive.
  • Thank you to everyone who bought and sold at the plant sale we made £125.

We voted on the organ donation resolution, the adoption of the NFWI Report and Accounts, and whether our members agree to give our delegate discretion on how to use our votes – they were all yes votes.
