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Dress a girl around the world

“Imagine a World where every little girl owned at least one dress! What if that dress was made by you?”

dress a girl around the worldDress a Girl Around the World is a charity set up in America with the aim of sending dresses to girls living in poverty across the world.
We thought this was a great idea.  Some of us got their sewing machines out and Julia, one of our members, took 10 dresses to Utange, Mombasa where a charity works to provide needy children with an education. We are hoping to get photos of the girls wearing the dresses soon.

We are going to continue to make dresses and will be able to send more out in the spring when another visit to Utange is planned.

If you would like to make a dress, the following links should give you the information you need.
All the information on the links is quite clear and the only comment we would make is that the minimum width bias binding should be 5/8th inches (16mm) anything narrower might not stand up to the wear the dress is likely to get. (20mm works well.) Also, although they are called pillowcase dresses, you don’t have to use pillowcases. Any rectangle of fabric is OK and probably easier to work with than a pillowcase.
Introduction, photos etc

Tutorial and full instructions

Video tutorial giving step-by-step instructions

Information about sizes, material needed etc.

If you are not able to make a dress but have fabric you are able to donate for others to sew with, please bring it along to one of our meetings. (Any pieces of cotton, pillowcases or duvet covers would be fine. Also any bits of lace, ribbon etc.)

Armhole pattern

Dress a Girl armhole patterns
